The American Bar Association publishes this policy analysis on ocean fertilization (see page 8 of the report). A lot has happened in the past year, and this report by K. Russel Lamotte summarizes how the London Convention has taken the lead role in developing effective regulations on ocean fertilization that both encourages legitimate scientific research and while protecting the environment.
"The LC/LP resolution provides a workable framework for OIF research activities, and may also serve as a useful point of reference for regulating geoengineering more broadly. Its virtues as a regulatory regime in this regard include: • establishment of a mechanism to ensure that environmental issues are assessed in advance of OIF activities; • establishment of an enabling framework for scientific research on promising technologies that could prove vital in the battle against climate change; • it subjects research to an appropriate oversight mechanism with international input; and • it is dynamic, and can evolve relatively easily in response to changing information.