Next week, a "who's who" of climate change scientists will gather in Copenhagen to synthesize climate change science for the pivotal 2009 COP 15 meeting in December. The findings of the
congress will be supplementary to the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) and will be compiled in a book on climate change to be
delivered to the global climate policy makers at COP15. At this meeting, Dr. Margaret Leinen has three presentations scheduled on ocean iron fertilization.
Margaret will present two talks:
iron fertilization: an examination of sequestration potential, environmental
impacts and feedbacks” March 10, 17:15, Hall B, Room N
London Convention/London Protocol: an ocean institution addresses sub-seafloor
CO2 injection and ocean iron fertilization” March 11, 13:45, Hall B, Room U
Margaret will also present a poster:
iron fertilization: recent results, estimates of potential, and economic
considerations” March 10, 15:20, Hall C
Conference website:
Oral session program:
Poster session program: