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Climate Change/Global Warming

Global Warming Threatens 'Large-Scale' Bird Extinctions  [archive]
from Yahoo News, 11/13/2006
Nearly three quarters of all bird species in northeast Australia and more than a third in Europe could become extinct unless efforts to stop global warming are stepped up, a report has said.

Climate Change Special: A State of Denial  [archive]
from, November 2006
In the global warming depate, well-funded climate change skeptics have set their sights on prominent scientists and politicians. This article looks at whom they might target next.

'Carbon Neutral' Called Hottest New Word of '06  [archive]
by Jennifer Harper, Washington Times, 11/14/2006
'Carbon Neutral' is the official 2006 Word of the Year, as named yesterday by the New Oxford American Dictionary.

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Scientists: Pollution Could Combat Global Warming  [archive]
from AP, 11/16/2006
Prominent scientists, among them a Nobel laureate, have proposed a geoengineering method: a layer of pollution deliberately spewed into the atmosphere could act as a "shade" from the sun's rays and help cool the planet.

Finding a Heavenly Key to Climate Change  [archive]
from Swissinfo, 11/14/2006
Researchers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva are looking at how radiation from outer space could be affecting our environment, and the role it plays in global warming.

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Carbon Market

U.S. Seen Adopting EU-Style Carbon Trade in Future
from Reuters, 11/17/2006
Although it will never join the Kyoto agreement to curb global warming, the United States is likely to adopt a carbon trading system like the European Union's in future, a seminar in Madrid heard on Friday.

The Biggest Economic Opportunity of the Century!  [archive]
by Jack Uldrich, The Motley Fool, 11/17/2006
John Doerr, a high-profile venture capitalist, has said that global warming is real and that cleantech is 'the biggest economic opportunity of the century.' Pioneers 'Carbonfree' Shipping  [archive] Press Release, 11/16/2006
A pioneering program to offset shipping-related carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions, Carbonfree™ Shipping, was launched this week. It involves a breakthrough method for calculating shipping-related carbon dioxide emissions.

EU May Toughen Emissions Trading Scheme  [archive]
by Honor Mahony, Business Week, 11/14/2006
The European Commission announced that it is looking into tightening the rules on its green Emissions Trading Scheme, whose weaknesses have been exploited by member states. It has set up a group of experts to look into the problem areas and come up with new proposals to amend the current law next year.

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Politics / Legislation

Big Conference on Warming Ends, Achieving Only Modest Results
by Jeffrey Gettleman and Andrew C. Revkin, New York Times, 11/17/2006
The yearly United Nations conference on climate change ended Friday with only modest results after delegates failed to establish a timetable for future cuts on pollution linked to global warming.

City Approves 'Carbon Tax' in Effort to Reduce Gas Emissions  [archive]
by Katie Kelley, New York Times, 11/18/2006
Voters in Boulder, Colorado have approved what environmentalists say may be the nation’s first “carbon tax.” The tax, to take effect on April 1, will be based on the number of kilowatt-hours used.

Democrats Press Bush to Reverse Course on Global Warming  [archive]
from AP, 11/15/2006
In a letter to Bush on Wednesday, Sens. Barbara Boxer, Jeff Bingaman and Joe Lieberman said voters in the election last week demanded that the government reduce America's heat-trapping greenhouse gases that are contributing to the Earth's warming.

French PM Proposes Taxing States that Shun Kyoto Warming  [archive]
from Reuters, 11/13/2006
French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin proposed on Monday introducing punitive taxes on imports from countries that refused to sign the U.N.'s Kyoto Protocol, which is aimed at curbing global warming.

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