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Climate Change/Global Warming

Climate Change Fight 'Can't Wait'
from BBC News, 10/31/2006
This overview article from the BBC offers a summary of the current international response to global warming, as well as details on the Stern report.

Warriors and Heroes  [archive]
from Rolling Stone, November 2006
Rolling Stone Magazine selects twenty-five leaders who are fighting to stave off global warming.

Australia's Drought Could Be Worst in 1,000 Years  [archive]
by James Grubel, Reuters, 11/7/2006
The drought gripping Australia could be the worst in 1,000 years, government officials said on Tuesday, as Australia started to draw up emergency plans to secure long-term water supplies to towns and cities.

Global Warming Said Threat to World Heritage  [archive]
by Alistair Doyle, Reuters, 11/7/2006
Global warming is threatening archaeological sites from Peru to Egypt as well as natural wonders such as the Caribbean's largest coral reef, a U.N. report said on Tuesday.


Can Dr. Evil Save the World?  [archive]
by Jeff Goodell, Rolling Stone, November, 2006
Lowell Wood's geoengineering idea--loading the skies with tiny particles that act as mini-reflectors, shading out sunlight and cooling the Earth--has been gaining some controversial attention.

Expert Says Oceans are Turning Acidic  [archive]
by Anthony Mitchell, Forbes, 11/9/2006
The world's oceans are becoming more acidic, which poses a threat to sea life and Earth's fragile food chain, a climate expert said Thursday.

Carbon Market

Investors Wary of Kyoto Carbon Market Controls  [archive]
by Gerard Wynn, Reuters, 11/8/2006
Investors in an emerging global carbon market have said that they are put off by a lack of expertise in U.N.-backed controls on trade between rich and poor countries.

EU Set for Purchase of More Carbon Units  [archive]
from United Press International, 11/9/2006
The European Union plans to set aside $2.94 billion in the next year to buy carbon dioxide credits under the Kyoto protocol's Clean Development Mechanism.

Carbon Trading Offers Revenue Opportunities  [archive]
from Green Business News, 11/7/2006
Morgan Stanley's interest in this emerging market highlights an issue that should be of interest to all firms attempting to cut carbon emissions – namely that there is money to be made.


U.S. Reaffirms Cap Opposition at Conference on Global Warming
by Elizabeth Kennedy, Canadian Press, 11/7/2006
As delegates from more than 100 countries gathered for talks in Nairobi on the world's changing climate, the U.S. showed no signs of a change in opinion on an emissions cap.

Murdoch Calls for Climate Deal  [archive]
by Peter Alford and Matthew Warren, 11/7/2006
Rupert Murdoch has called for the Kyoto Protocol on climate change to be replaced by a new international agreement that can be endorsed by the US and the emerging industrial giants China and India.

Global Climate Market Framework Seen in 2010: UN  [archive]
by Gerard Wynn, Reuters, 11/6/2006
A global climate change agreement which would underpin an international carbon market is still four years off, the Head of the U.N.'s climate change body said at a climate change conference in Nairobi.