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Climate Change/Global Warming

Climate Change Inaction Will Cost Trillions: Study  [archive]
by Jeremy Lovell, Reuters London, 10/13/2006
Failing to fight global warming now will cost trillions of dollars by the end of the century even without counting biodiversity loss or unpredictable events like the Gulf Stream shutting down, a new study claims.

Global Warming Hitting your Wallet  [archive]
by Clayton Sandell, ABC News, 10/11/2006
Severe weather is on the rise, costing insurers $92 billion in the 1990s and $23 billion in 2004 hurricane losses alone. In some cases, insurers have pulled out of high risk markets completely, shifting the burden to taxpayers.

Global Warming Threatens Rich Fall Colors  [archive]
by Stan Freeman, The Republican, 10/11/2006
Some climate scientists say that even if steps are taken now to limit global warming, temperatures in New England will rise enough over the next half-century that the source of much of that rich fall color, the sugar maples, will disappear from most of the region.


Big Bogs Spurred Ancient Global Warming, Report Says  [archive]
by Deborah Zabarenko, Reuters, 10/12/2006
Massive peat bogs in Siberia and elsewhere may have helped spur global warming at the end of the last ice age--but this is far from taking humans off the hook.

US Tests CO2 Underground Storage Options  [archive]
from United Press International, 10/12/2006
The U.S. Department of Energy says it is continuing a project designed to determine the feasibility of storing carbon dioxide in brine formations. The Frio Brine Project is designed to determine how the CO2 moves through brine- filled, highly porous sandstone that`s representative of formations found worldwide.

Carbon Market

Schwarzenegger Pushes Markets for Global Warming Emissions  [archive]
by Samantha Young, AP, 10/15/2006
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will announce an executive order Monday in New York that joins California's landmark global warming law with the Northeast's program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

On Your Mark, Offset, Go!  [archive]
by Erica Gies, Grist Magazine, 10/10/2006
A first-time user guide to the individual offsets market, this investigatory article acknowles that it the voluntary market is far from being completely developed, and that there is no authoritative key player--yet.

Carbon Trading 'Key' in Tackling Climate Change
from InTheNews (UK), 10/11/2006
James Cameron, the founder of Climate Change Capital (CCC), argues that carbon trading can play a vital role in tackling global warming.


Industrial World Losing Sight of Kyoto as Emissions Grow
from The International Herald Tribune, 10/13/2006
With few exceptions, the world's big industrialized nations are struggling to meet the greenhouse gas reductions they committed to achieve in the embattled Kyoto pact on climate change.

Kyoto Successor to Come Post-Bush  [archive]
from CarbonPositive, 10/13/2006
The global fight against climate change may have to wait until 2010 before a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol emerges, a UN climate official has said.

EU Takes Action over Carbon Plans  [archive]
from BBC News, 10/12/2006
The European Commission has begun legal action against eight nations that have so far failed to submit details on how they plan to cut carbon emissions. They were supposed to have submitted these plans by the end of June.

Cleaner Air Ahead  [archive]
by Sarah Jane Tribble, San Jose Mercury News, 10/15/2006
Business groups are beginning to confront the reality of AB 32, California's recent emissions reduction legislation.