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Climate Change/Global Warming

Report: Global Warming is Here, Now
from AP, 1/22/2007
Human-caused global warming is here — visible in the air, water and melting ice — and is destined to get much worse in the future, the IPCC's fourth assessment report will warn next week.

Village on the Road to a Carbon-Neutral Future  [archive]
by David Ward, The Guardian (UK), 1/26/2007
A village in Cheshire, England is aiming to become the country's first carbon-neutral community after a host of energy-saving measures by residents.

Climage Change High on Agenda of Davos World Economic Forum  [archive]
from the People's Daily (China), 1/24/2007
With 17 sessions on climate change, this year's World Economic Forum, which opened in Davos on Wednesday, is expected to be one of the "greenest" ever.


US Answer to Global Warming: Smoke and Giant Space Mirrors  [archive]
by David Adam, The Guardian (UK), 1/27/2007
The US response to the upcoming IPCC report will include advocation of certain methods of "geoengineering," according to a British newspaper story.

Carbon Market

The Future is Climate Neutral
by Alex Steffen and Sarah Rich, WorldChanging 1/22/2007
WorldChanging's review of companies and cities that have launched carbon neutral initiatives.

Climage Exchange Says Current Year Starts Buoyantly; Built Volume in H2  [archive]
from AFX News, January 2007
US and European emissions exchange operator Climate Exchange PLC said it had a 'buoyant' start to the new year and that it continued to build volume, open interest and liquidity during the second half of 2006.

First Logistics Company to Offer Carbon Neutral Delivery Service  [archive]
from, 1/28/2007
DHL and the World Economic Forum (WEF) tannounced that DHL’s new carbon neutral shipping service GOGREEN will help the World Economic Forum to realize its Carbon Neutral promise for Davos.

Trading on Climate Change  [archive]
from Motley Fool, 1/25/2007
An overview of carbon trading from an investor's standpoint.


In Climate Controversy, Industry Cedes Ground  [archive]
by Steve Jeffrey Ball, Wall Street Journal, 1/23/2007
A growing number of companies are pushing for a mandatory emissions cap. Some see a lucrative new market in clean-energy technologies. Many figure a regulation is politically inevitable and they want to be in the room when it's negotiated.

Calls to Act on Global Warming Precede Bush Speedh  [archive]
by Deborah Zabarenko, Reuters, 1/21/2007
Environmentalists, evangelical Christians and congressional and corporate leaders called for action on global warming in the days leading up to President George W. Bush's State of the Union speech.

Bush's Climate Remarks Weighed for Policy Shirt  [archive]
by Peter Baker and Steven Mufson, Washington Post, 1/27/2007
This year's State of the Union speech was the first time in Bush's six years in office that he mentioned the issue in a State of the Union. And he did it while presenting a high-profile plan to cut gasoline consumption--and with it, greenhouse gases.

Which Plan on Climate Change?  [archive]
by Gilbert E. Metcalf, Boston Globe, 1/28/2007
An overview of the factors to consider in evaluating the various legislative options in combatting climate change.