FEATURED ARTICLE: Scientists Predict 2007 Will Be Hottest Year Yet[archive] by Raphael G. Satter, AP, 1/6/2007
British climate scientists predict that a resurgent El Niño climate trend combined with higher levels of greenhouse gases could touch off a fresh round of ecological disasters -- and make 2007 the world's hottest year on record.
Warming Concerns Europe More than U.S.[archive] from United Press International, 1/5/2007
More people in Europe worry more about global warming and how it affects them than do people in the United States, a poll conducted in France said.
Lake May 'Predict Climate Change'[archive] from BBC, 1/2/2007
Sediment underneath an African lake, which is thought to date back more than 80,000 years, may help predict future climate change, researchers claim.
Carbon Market
Norway to Offset Flight Emissions[archive] from BBC, 1/2/2007
Norway has announced plans to offset the greenhouse gases produced by public employees when they fly abroad by buying emissions credits.
Airlines Could Cash in on E.U. Emissions Trading[archive] from greenbiz.com, 1/4/2007 The aviation sector stands to make a profit of £2.7bn or £3.5bn if carbon credits are given out for free and generous emission allowances allocated, according to reports published by the ippr and the WWF.
Politics / Legislation
Washington Faces Challenges over Climate[archive] by George Parker and Andrew Bounds, Financial Times, 1/7/2007
José Manuel Barroso, the European Commission president, will use his visit to the White House on Monday to give Mr Bush a preview of a new EU energy policy designed to put the bloc at the forefront of energy efficiency and use of renewables.
Bush Tipped to Talk Tough on Energy but Snub Kyoto[archive] by Caroline Daniel, Financial Times, 1/2/2007
Energy will be a central theme of President George W. Bush's state of the union speech this month, but his critics doubt that he will embrace international efforts to agree a post-Kyoto regime to tackle greenhouse emissions.
Stephanopoulos: Pelosi May Create Special Global Warming Committee[archive] from Think Progress, 1/7/2007
This morning on ABC’s This Week, George Stephanopoulos reported that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) “is considering setting up a special committee in the House to deal with climate change and global warming.”
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