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Climate Change/Global Warming

Carbon Dioxide Emissions Jump Despite Pledges of Reductions  [archive]
by Beth Daley, Boston Globe, 12/18/2006
New England and Eastern Canada emissions of the major global warming gas carbon dioxide have increased since 2001, though regional leaders promised that year to gradually reduce those emissions, according to a report released Monday.

With Warmer Weather, Different Decisions to Make  [archive]
by Anne Raver, New York Times, 12/21/2006
All kinds of plants are changing their growing and life patterns as a result of global warming. This is affecting the work of gardeners and farmers.

Disappearing World: Global Warming Claims Tropical Island  [archive]
by Geoffrey Lean, The Independent (UK), 12/24/2006
For the first time, an inhabited island has disappeared beneath rising seas.


'Sunshade' Could Ease Global Warming  [archive]
by Tracy Staedter, Discovery News, 12/21/2006
The sunshade, proposed by Roger Angel of the University of Arizona in a recent issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, would be made of trillions of transparent, platter-sized spacecraft flying together in an elliptical formation.

Trees are a Global Warming Solution, and a Problem  [archive]
by Ian Hoffman, Medianews, 12/24/2006
New studies show forests absorb carbon, cooling the Earth, but also hold the sun's rays, serving to heat the air.

Washington Warming to Southern Plants  [archive]
by David A. Fahrenthold, Washington Post, 12/20/2006
A warming climate in the Washington area is beginning to affect the area's trees, according to findings released yesterday by the National Arbor Day Foundation.

Carbon Market

Emissions Trading on Way, Says Liao  [archive]
by Chester Yung, The Standard (China), 12/19/2006
The first cross-border emissions trading scheme between Hong Kong and mainland China is gaining momentum.

EU to Cap Aircraft Emissions from 2011  [archive]
from Environmental Finance, 12/21/2006
The airline industry has given a cautious welcome to European Commission proposals to cap carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from all flights in the EU, but environmental groups have derided the measures as "too little, too late".


Thirteen States Sue U.S. EPA over Soot Emissions  [archive]
from Reuters, 12/18/2006
Thirteen U.S. states sued the federal Environmental Protection Agency on Monday for failing to set air quality standards that could save up to 24,000 lives a year.

Interview: No Dramatic U-Turn Seen on US Climate Change Policy  [archive]
by Jeremy Lovell, Reuters, 12/19/2006
Washington is likely to stay out of the U.N. Kyoto Protocol for curbing greenhouse gases beyond 2012 even with a shift in power to Democrats from Republicans, a former top U.S. trade and economics official said.

Trading Places  [archive]
by Robert Kuttner, Boston Globe, 12/23/2006
French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin has proposed a "green tax" on the exports of major nations that have not ratified the Kyoto Accords for reducing greenhouse gases (that means the United States).