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Climate Change/Global Warming

Poll: Global Warming Worries Grow  [archive]
from CBS, 4/26/2007
Half of Americans want it to be a high priority for government leaders and say the government can do a lot to improve the environment. Still, the environment is not likely to be a major issue in the 2008 presidential campaign.

Draft Report on Climate Change Addresses Ways to Mitigate Effects  [archive]
from the Wall Street Journal, 4/23/2007
After two reports predicting a warmer Earth where life is fundamentally changed, a United Nations-sponsored science panel next month will issue a third study describing how a united world can avert the worst, by embracing technologies ranging from nuclear power to manure controls.

Global Warming Remedies Seen Costing Less Than Climate Change  [archive]
by Alex Morales, Bloomberg, 4/23/2007
A United Nations draft report says laws to curb global warming may reduce world production less than 5.5 percent by 2050, a cost that economists see as a bargain compared with the price of doing nothing.

April Sets European Heat Records  [archive]
by Jeremy Lovell, Reuters, 4/27/2007
This month is set to be the warmest April in Britain since records began nearly 350 years ago and all over Europe tourists are slapping on the sun cream several weeks ahead of schedule.


Effect of Natural Iron Fertilization on Carbon Sequestration in the Southern Ocean
from Nature Magazine, 4/26/2007
Pointing out that most past assessments of the carbon cycle have focused on short-term iron-addition experiments, this paper focuses on the long-term effects of a phytoplankton bloom in the Southern Ocean. The ratio of carbon export to the amount of iron supplied was at least ten times higher than estimates from short-term blooms.

Iron Findings   
from Nature Magazine, 4/26/2007
An article reflecting on the important paper by Blain et al in the same issue of Nature Magazine.

First Successful Demonstration of Carbon Dioxide Air Capture Technology Achieved   [archive]
from Earth Institute at Columbia University, 4/26/2007
A technology research and development company, along with Columbia University, has demonstrated a new technology to capture carbon from the air.

New Ways to Gasify and Clean Coal Emerge   [archive]
by Timothy Gardner, Reuters, 4/25/2007
New ways to gasify coal are emerging that could help reduce the cost of managing the fuel's greenhouse gas emissions, officials at small companies said.

Carbon Market

Carbon Projects Can Prove a Risky Business  [archive]
by Fiona Harvey, Financial Times, 4/27/2007
The rush to go green suggests easy money for investors in projects that reduce carbon dioxide output. The reality is otherwise: many carbon projects turn out to be high risk.

Carbon-Neutral is Hip, But Is It Green?  [archive]
by Andrew C. Revkin, New York Times, 4/29/2007
The carbon market is growing in size and prominence, but most experts say that it's far from being at a point where it makes a meaningful dent in global warming.

Emissions Trading May Be Greenhouse Solution for Airlines   [archive]
by Bradley Perrett, Aviation Week, 4/15/2007
The world's airline industry may have only one way to escape the surge of enthusiasm to punish its carbon dioxide emissions with taxes or even regulatory limits on air travel, and that's a global emissions trading arrangement that is probably years away from implementation.

Russian Energy Giant to Bundle Carbon Credits with Gas Sales  [archive]
by Andrew E. Kramer, New York Times, 4/25/2007
Gazprom, the Russian energy giant, is positioning itself to sell carbon dioxide emissions credits that companies in the European Union need in order to burn Gazprom’s fuel.


Kerry Offers Bill to Ban New Coal Plants with Old Tech  [archive]
by Ian Talley, MarketWatch, 4/26/2007
Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., introduced a bill Thursday that would ban all new coal power plants unless they use the "best available" emissions reduction technology.

B.C. Joins Western Regional Climate Action Initiative  [archive]
Press Release from Office of the Premier of British Colombia, 4/24/2007
British Columbia has joined with five western U.S. states to partner in the new Western Regional Climate Action Initiative (WRCAI), Premier Gordon Campbell announced today.

California Will Sue EPA to Allow State to Curb Emissions  [archive]
from USA Today, 4/25/2007
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration will sue the Environmental Protection Agency for acting too slowly on California's request to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles, a spokesman said Wednesday.

Canada Plans to Curb Gas Emissions 20% by 2020  [archive]
by Greg Quinn and Mathew Carr, 4/25/2007
Canada, which sits on the biggest oil reserves outside the Middle East, promised to cut greenhouse-gas emissions 20 percent by 2020 in a bid by the government to improve a plan that rival parties rejected.

Germany to Cut CO2 Emissions by 40% to Increase Energy Efficiency  [archive]
from, 4/26/2007
Germany has unveiled proposals to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 40 pct within 13 years and become the most energy-efficient country in the world.