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Climate Change/Global Warming

Reflections on Poverty and Climate Change  [archive]
Op-Ed by Bishop Katherine Schori, AP, 5/20/2007
Two of the most significant crises facing our world -- climate change and deadly poverty, are interconnected. By understanding how the two crises, and the people they affect, are connected, we can begin to understand how humanity can triumph over both.

Trout Seen as 'Canary in Coal Mine' on Climate Change  [archive]
from AP, 5/20/2007
A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency report says a 5-degree rise in average temperature could devastate trout and salmon populations nationwide and eliminate brook trout entirely in Vermont.

The 7 Biggest Myths About Climate Change  [archive]
from New Scientist Magazine, 5/16/2007
In issue 2604 of New Scientist Magazine, five authors take on the "7 biggest myths about climate change," and methodically debunk them one by one.

Climate Change Price Tallied  [archive]
by Laurie Goering, The Chicago Tribune, 5/19/2007
Top climate economists say that cutting U.S. emissions sufficiently could soon cost the United States twice as much per year as it is now spending on the war in Iraq. But, spending a trillion dollars a year worldwide over the next two decades could be a bargain in the long run.


Polar Ocean 'Soaking Up Less CO2'
by Paul Rincon, BBC, 5/17/2007
The decline of Antarctica's Southern Ocean carbon "sink" - or reservoir - means that atmospheric CO2 levels may be higher in future than predicted.

Carbon Sequestration Field Test Begins  [archive]
from UPI, 5/16/2007
The U.S. Department of Energy says its Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium has started its first enhanced oil recovery field test in Illinois. The field test involves injecting carbon dioxide into a producing well for 3-5 days and then allowing the gas to soak for approximately a week.

On the Web, an Advanced Carbon Calculator for Personal Use  [archive]
by Steve Lohr, New York Times, 5/15/2007
On the interactive climate site, people will be able to enter data, see the carbon effect and how their carbon footprint compares with averages in their city and in cities worldwide. The anonymous data will be collected for analysis by climate change scientists and others.

Carbon Market

Ex-Expedia CEO's Latest Startup Sells Carbon Offsets to Customers   [archive]
by John Cook, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/17/2007
Former Expedia Chief Executive Erik Blachford is "going green" with a startup called TerraPass that helps consumers offset their carbon footprint.

Hotels Begin to Warm to 'Carbon Offsets'  [archive]
by Jane Engle, Los Angeles Times, 5/20/2007
There are a growing number of programs to allow hotel guests to buy carbon credits to offset their stay. Among the latest is TravelGreen. It markets what it dubs Mini-Green Tags to hotels and guests.

Probe Carbon Offsets, Congressmen Say  [archive]
by Fred Lucas,, 5/20/2007
In a letter to the Government Accountability Office, Republican Reps. Tom Davis of Virginia and Darrell Issa of California asked for an investigation into emission offset programs.


Bush Plans Rules to Boost Auto Fuel-Economy Standards  [archive]
by John Hughes and Roger Runningen, 5/14/2007
The U.S. government plans to set new fuel-economy standards for cars by the end of 2008 and force increased use of alternative fuels such as ethanol to reduce greenhouse gases linked to global warming.

Climate Talks Face International Hurdles  [archive]
by Arthur Max, AP/TIME Magazine, 5/14/2007
Efforts to limit global warming must move into a new phase this year or risk a breakdown that would hurt poor countries threatened most by climate change, says the U.N.'s top climate official.

Cities to Start Cutting Carbon Emissions  [archive]
by Sara Kugler, AP, 5/16/2007
Fifteen cities around the world will begin cutting carbon emissions by renovating city-owned buildings with green technology under a program spearheaded by former President Clinton's foundation.

Berkeley: City Reports Lowered Emissions  [archive]
from CBS News, 5/15/2007
The city of Berkeley has reported one of the largest decreases in greenhouse gas emissions documented by any U.S. city, according to the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.